April 14, 2011

We've got another compelling volunteer story for you, this time from Melody Nadeau, a fabulous supporter of our mission. Here's what she has to say:

Volunteering for the first time can be a little intimidating, just not knowing what to expect, but when you get there (Serenity Place) you really get that feeling of being a part of something bigger. Then before you know it, you get to see something pretty amazing. That’s progress. While playing on the playground it’s a four year old telling you proudly (after he shoots you with his Spider-Man web) that, “I’m not crying after my mommy today,” when just two months ago he wouldn’t leave his mothers side when “the babysitters” came. Or a 15 month old reaching for you while smiling and laughing, then later falling asleep in your arms in the rocker when, just two weeks prior, he and his mom first arrived he wouldn’t go to anyone willingly. And seeing a young mom do the robot dance to a Mickey Mouse cartoon on TV with her two young kids when months ago she may not have even had a presence in their lives because of her addiction.

One evening one of the moms asked me and another volunteer, “Why are you here? I mean do you have to be or is it because you want to?” She seemed so surprised that it was of our own free will that we were there. For many of these ladies consistency, reliability, and the simple act of caring are not something that they’ve experienced often in their lives. That is something I want them to get from my volunteering, my regular presence just because I want to.

When you care for others, you share the gift of hope. And progress combined with hope makes for a better tomorrow for everyone!

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