January 4, 2011

New Year, New Slate

Regardless of how you feel about New Year’s Resolutions or if you resolve to change something yourself, it’s hard to deny there is something really exciting about a new year and a chance at a fresh start. It produces an adrenaline rush of sorts. It’s exciting to look back and evaluate the past year and decide what philosophies and habits to cling to, and what could be tossed out or exchanged for something new.

Experts spend a lot of time philosophizing on how to make resolutions and keep them. There seem to be three important steps to success: you need to know why you pick a specific resolution, you need to make a plan to keep it, and you need accountability. So while people may make resolutions year round, in January most of us are buzzing about our plans to be a better person. It’s great to say it out loud so your friends and family can keep you in check.

Now you’re probably asking yourself, “Why is the crew at The Family Effect schooling me on New Year’s resolutions?” Because around here, we’re all about clean slates. Every day of the year, we help our mothers and teenagers kick bad habits that diminish themselves, their families, and our community. We help them focus and find motivation for staying clean, we help them make a plan to achieve their goals and equip them with tools and support networks to be successful.

Our staff provides incredible insight and guidance for our families, but community support from volunteers and donors is vital to make the success last. Please resolve to offer support and encouragement to our families and kids at Serenity Place or The Academy this year, and watch them accomplish their goals. You just might find that giving your time and energy provides you with all kinds of satisfaction, and not just the kind you get from checking something off your list.

To learn more about volunteering, mentoring, or donating please contact Kelly Byers at 864.467.3944.